I Needed A Two Week Break From Blogging
I didn’t realise I needed a break from blogging until I stopped blogging for two weeks. At the time, I was stuck with an artwork, that was almost completed, but the background was a problem. My art is my main focus, but at the same time I have revaluated improving my SEO and increasing traffic. The infographics are being figured out and one is close to completion. Using infographics to improve my SEO appeals to me, more then spending hours sending emails to people to backlink to my website. I have someone helping me with this, as I hope to add an illustration to each infographic. My specialty does involve Illustration or Digital Art and that is the component I need help with. Everything else including the design and the information is based on my experience as a teacher. The last thing you want to be is preachy. Working on infographics is something I have focused my time on and am close to posting an infographic possibly for next weeks blog.
But There Are Other Things To Do While I Paint
Squarespace now include bounce rate in their traffic statistics. The statistic is based on the percentage of people leaving your website on your homepage. At the moment it is 71% and that is not great. On my previous website, I did not have a homepage. I think it is a problem. Another problem is that I don’t have a full gallery of my work. Experts encourage you not to do this practice, because it is thought to overwhelm people. The way my portfolio looks at the moment, is to close together, causing a clash and it has too few artworks. I chose this template because I loved the look of the blogs, it is clean and minimalist. This is a look I wish to continue for the rest of my website. I preferred a gallery of scrolling pages, but I can meet in the middle between my own preference, what this template allows me to do and the standard advice that is given to artists. Instead I could put each of my artworks into a portfolio that has less then five categories, so there isn’t a large number in one area, but it gives people the ability to see every artwork without overwhelming them. What I have to do is just keep trying different things and I know eventually something will change. At the same time I am experimenting with two artworks at the same time. One is large and another is small, otherwise if they were the same size. It is too difficult to keep each artwork’s ideas and character separate. The artworks would blend into one me, but I need to paint artworks quicker, it is known that smaller artworks are easier to sell of artists because people want to see if they like your art in their space, before they commit to buying larger artworks.