My deep interest in art history and painting, has been a lifelong affair and only matched by my deep interest in the exploration of classical music.

My family has always encouraged my creative pursuits, especially in music with the result that I pursued a formal musical education achieving a masters degree in piano performance. I have been teaching for over thirty-five years at University, High school and privately. Throughout this time, my interest in art history and painting has been continuing and deepening but on an informal level through galleries, museums (lived in Europe for a year) and private studies. By studying  the great artists and European art, I began to comprehend how to paint and how to successfully formulate and transfer ideas and create stories onto a blank canvas.  

Partially, because of my musical experiences and training, I began to be fascinated by the geometric and the biological, and how these two distinct elements interact and influence each other. This interaction produces simple and complex tensions and resolutions, and at the same time creating completely new and different elements.

I have been painting for over 30 years and my passion for this particular form of expression has grown tremendously. Together with music, painting has become an important and an integral part of my life. 

Basket of Goodies  33cm by 25cm.JPG