Enjoy Being A Beginner Artist And A Small Update
A Small Update
Currently I am working on Infographics to go with some of the blog entries. It seems to be one of the best ways to improve your SEO and increase your traffic, without sending a lot of emails hoping for backlinks. Bloggers seem to receive many emails for a backlink from other people and though Google frowns on payments being exchanged, it is something that is expected for receiving some backlinks. Another thing to try to increase SEO is guest posting, that is something for the future. With infographics you are giving some you new information in a visual easy to share manner. That is something I am hoping will make a difference, but at the same time I am focusing on painting a few artworks. Painting is my main focus, but if you want to be a professional you need to do a myriad of other things that take you away from what you love doing.
Enjoy Being A Beginner Artist
It is lesson that you often learn too late. Before all the expectations and deadlines, you just started sketching something, that is where it starts. If you have recently started as an artist, there is point where you want to learn from other people. You start looking at other artists and their tutorials. Artists that are at a point of being able to teach have been working on their craft for years, possibly. This doesn’t happen overnight. So enjoy this time. In the end, art should be something you enjoy doing and it is unimportant where it leads you. Art should be for the love of it. When you are making art that you hope to sell, it can be a long and sometimes frustrating process. Every artist puts expectations on themselves for each artwork. It isn’t rare to be stuck or noticing that the artwork is not working out. You cannot leave it at this stage, you have to identify the problem. Then can take days to fix the problem. This artwork has to be finished on the same level of professionalism as all your other artworks. Being a professional artist is means a standard has to be upheld at all times. Your time is precious and you cannot afford to waste time making a painting that doesn’t work out. Once those expectations are on your shoulders you view being at artist differently. So enjoy this time, try new things and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. In the end the point is to love being an artist and this is when it happens. It gets you through the difficult and trying times. By the end of it you will likely have style and already skill to take your art to another level.