A Reminder To Stay In My Niche But You Don't Have To
The idea for this blog came about when I was feeling a great deal of empathy for people who live by themselves and have to endure a lock down. This is not my expertise and as result I had to remind myself to stay in my niche topics. For many perspective bloggers the advice is to have a niche, but some people prefer to speak about a diverse amount of topics. This blog entry is about this specific advice that is often mentioned.
Find Out What You Enjoy Blogging About
My niche is art and the business aspects around it which includes blogging. It is my journey of learning the business and marketing aspects of starting an art business, while writing about art. One of the things that many successful bloggers stress is to have a clear niche. There is a logical reason for that as it is easier to monetise your blog. If you are a great writer who possibly writes interesting short stories or stories about their life, it can work. For people with many interests, you could make them your foundation based topics, as it helps you come up with ideas for blog entries. But a lot has changed since blogging first started. Personal blogs were quite popular, but this has changed with the rise of social media. Being visual people, we like photos and videos. With personal family and personal bloggers social media seems better suited for these topics, where people can see what you are up to within a few seconds or minutes. It has been said people come to blogs to learn something.
Niche’s Make It Easier To Monetise Your Blog
This is why many expert bloggers tell prospective bloggers to have a niche and it doesn’t matter what it is or how specific it is. The way to monetise your blog requires advertisers to be able to connect to your audience. For example, you may have a niche of writing about fixing up an old Mustang, which is the foundation of your blog. You may once in a while write about other things that personalises you to your audience. That would be a niche topic, with such niche subject you can attract a loyal followers. With affiliate ads which is one way to monetise your blog, it requires you to partner with a program and you make money by people clicking on the ads. So with the example of a person who is fixing a Mustang they would pick car based products or if this person is teaching people about fixing cars, they could partner with a teaching product. The people that are coming to a blog are interested in certain topics which increases the chances of them clicking the ad. A niche or foundation of certain topics that you write about consistently, allows you to monetise your blog more easily, as your audience knows what to expect. Otherwise if you are a general blog it is harder to know what your audience is interested in and to monetise your blog. Google is said to favor blogs that are niche based. If you are good with marketing and wish to have a general blog it shouldn’t be an issue, but it requires more work on your part to get your blog noticed.
Content Fatigue Can Be A Real Thing
It is apparent that often people know when you are fascinated by a topic, that makes for a easy read. Try to make your blog interesting to read. I love writing about art and want to bring everyone on my business journey. It is interesting for me to write about all the possibilities that blogging, social media and marketing can do for your business. There are many art blogs by companies and people who give art advice that I already know of, but wouldn’t wish to post, since I would feel that I would be repeating what many blogs have already said before. When you are starting a blog in 2020, many topics have already been explored, in some ways it frees me because I know what is out there. It stops me from giving generic advice. I try to give a unique perspective to every topic even if the subject has been spoken of ad nauseum. My aim is not to be generic, so my goal is to give a least one tip or more that hasn’t been mentioned before in other blogs. Write what you know well and it should be something you can see yourself writing many topics on. Your niche/s give you an ability to come up with many ideas, to write interesting content. That is the crux of it, to write interesting content. If it is you going niche or writing about many of your interests the point is to attract people to your blog. If you go with not having a niche you will need to do more marketing with social media and other avenues. But either way you should be doing marketing, so you write what makes you, you.