Getting Started With Art (Part One)
1. Discover Unknown Artists
There are certain things that help you improve as an artist, if you have aspirations for an art career or wish to learn a new hobby. I am not going to focus on the obvious, reading guides, watching videos or seeing the greats works. It is 2020 and I am sure this has been said countless times before. Though I will add the obscure artists can change your outlook on art or help you to improve. Some of the greats were forgotten for centuries before being rediscovered such as the Baroque artist Caravaggio. You never know who will inspire you.
2. Buy The Best Quality You Can Afford
Choose your medium. Whether it is, watercolor, oils, resin, pencils or pastels, buy the best quality paints, pencils and paper that you can afford. It is important to experiment with the best tools you can afford, because your results will be visibly affected by this. Many people think since they are learning, they don't wish to ruin good paper, brushes or paints. But your development as an artist is dependant upon learning good techniques with the best quality tools. Research the best brands as they are more likely to sell good quality sets, just for beginners. Look around as prices vary greatly between different stores.
3. Keep Sketching
Have a sketch book. Practice, figure out your style and have fun while trying new things. Before you know it, you will have filled that book out with ideas and have finished artworks to display. Don't compare yourself to others or put yourself down. No one wakes up with fully honed, art skills. Stephen Wiltshire, is an artist, on the Autism Spectrum. From an early age people realised he can draw buildings and cars from recollection. Stephen is famous for drawing panoramas of a city, that he just saw for the first time that morning, while a helicopter. Even with this incredible gift, Stephen has clearly worked on his line work, shading and many skills. You can see a vast difference between Stephen's early and later works. What is so wonderful about him, that he has a sense of composition and artistry. There are artists that can paint photo realistic artworks. Though their vast technical skills are not doubted, many artists ask why don't you just take a photo? There is an artistry you can bring to your art, you may show a different perspective to an event or make people feel an wonderful emotion or make a statement that evokes a powerful message. What photo realistic artists teach us is to keep learning and improving our fundamentals.