An Unexpected Christmas Tree, For An Unexpected Year
Hope And Positive Thoughts For 2021
This year I decided to have a small Christmas tree. The hope is that next year we can have big events, religious celebrations and get togethers with friends. With the vaccines that are coming, we can rebuild our global economies, but with better positive changes. One large change is for people to have more freedom in the work place, by working from home and realising what we want out of life. Before Covid-19, we believed that we were past the threat of global pandemics and felt more secure the we actually were. We are not impervious to mother nature and it has shaken us enough to realise that we better start tackling climate change, which is a huge issue. Beforehand people feared losing jobs, now we may as well rebuild our economies for the future. Renewables are becoming cheaper, with the amount of jobs increasing in this sector, it is becoming an important sector.
We Are All Connected
It was said the first truly global event was the 1883 Krakatoa Eruption. Not only was it heard around the world, but it was known within minutes because of the telegraph. Seventy years earlier Tambora erupted in the same area and no one speaks of it because the world wasn’t globalised. We have come a long way from Krakatoa, technologically and with a higher standard of living. We were the first humans to suffer a global pandemic with so many options to keep ourselves entertained while staying at home. Some countries do not have the same social security nets as others. People were forced to go to work against their will in those countries that chose to keep everything open to help the economy. That should not have happened, if you look after people they will help the economy recover quicker. The poorer the person is, the more likely they are to spend money in their country, especially as they cannot travel. Just as we are connected on a Global scale, we are connected through the class structure. Everyone uses the roads and public infrastructure. In places where public hospitals are, everyone benefits from their research and discoveries. From polling more people have realised the benefits of social security nets.
We Are On The Cusp Of A Medical Revolution
The most positive effect may be that we are about to see the efficacy of mRNA vaccines, which are poised to change Medicine. It is not only hoped that they will help us with the most severe aspects of Covid-19, but it will help us to fight other viruses such as the flu and more complex illness such as HIV. Reading about this vaccine, the possibilities seem that it will be able to fight cancer individually for each person. What would happen is that the doctors would biopsy the cancer, then they would be able to make a personal vaccine to allow your body to fight the cancer for you without going through chemo and radiotherapy. That is incredible. With the end of this challenging year, we have to look for positive solutions to the worlds problems. I firmly believe that we will find the solutions to our worlds problems and the world will be a better place. Happy Holidays and happy New Year.